Category Archives: Learning and Teaching (general)

Berwickshire Numeracy blog

As presented by Peter on our first day back, this is a link to the Berwickshire Learning Community Numeracy blog:


Edmodo is a secure social learning network for teachers and students (there is also the possibility the parents can be given a code to access it). If you want to create a group for your class, it is very straightforward.  All you need to do is:

  1. Sign up to Edmodo as a teacher (
  2. Create a group for each class you want to use Edmodo with and note down the unique group code.  One thing you may wish to consider is whether or not you want to moderate all posts and replies (this is in Group Settings and Advanced Options).  The default is that moderation is switched off.
  3. Give the pupils the group code – they can then join the group at home, in the library or when they have Computing Science.

Use of SQA Past Papers for revision

Many staff set SQA Past Paper questions as homework. Often, these are available to students via teacher websites.

The “Add Sticky Note” feature of Adobe Reader allows you to add comments next to questions. This offers a number of useful opportunities for teachers, such as indicating which part of a course questions come from, offering hints towards the correct answer, model answers etc. Regarding the last two suggestions, the comments are hidden until you hover the mouse over them, so students have the option of looking at hints/model answers, or not.

An example is included for reference: