Learning & Teaching Open Day 17th March 2015

An open day inviting staff to visit other classrooms to observe learning and teaching.

Attached is a powerpoint presentation containing pictures and captions taken by S2 students.

Learning Teaching Open Day 17th March

Whole Staff Meeting, 9th March 2015

Learning & Teaching Activities

  1. Moderation and Verification – This activity is about encouraging faculty colleagues to use the school’s policy on moderation and internal verification as a framework for professional discussion about the standards of courses, the quality of assessment instruments and consistency in the application of standards, and its implications for learning and teaching practices.


  1. Sharing of Newly Developed Resources and their Implications for Learning & Teaching Practices – This activity is asking staff to share newly developed resources with faculty colleagues and discuss their implications for learning and teaching. The newly developed resources may be taken from new Higher courses or recently developed National 3,4,5 courses or even resources which have been redeveloped in the BGE in light of increased understanding of National Courses.


  1. GLOW – This activity requires representation from all faculties across the school. The aim of this activity is for each representative to develop their respective faculty GLOW page with the opportunity to upload course resources, the ability to distribute homework and receive homework and the facility to share resources and learning and teaching practices across the school, the authority and the country.


Use of models to engage learners. Help to visualise the differences and sort out misconceptions.

Use of models

Use of models


Pupil Voice

On the last day of term a selection of students was asked to share their opinion on two elements of learning and teaching: one was effective feedback and the second was clarity around next steps.

Some more Art!

Here are some great examples of what the Art Department have been doing.





Art Photos


CfE Briefings

Image of children in classroom with teacher

All of the CfE briefings publishing by Education Scotland can be found here.

To date, those published are as follows:

  1. Broad and General Education in the Secondary School
  2. Assessing Progress and Achievement in the 3-15 Broad and General Education
  3. Profiling and the S3 Profile
  4. Interdisciplinary Learning

Berwickshire Numeracy blog

As presented by Peter on our first day back, this is a link to the Berwickshire Learning Community Numeracy blog: http://berwickshirenumeracy.edublogs.org/


Edmodo is a secure social learning network for teachers and students (there is also the possibility the parents can be given a code to access it). If you want to create a group for your class, it is very straightforward.  All you need to do is:

  1. Sign up to Edmodo as a teacher (http://www.edmodo.com)
  2. Create a group for each class you want to use Edmodo with and note down the unique group code.  One thing you may wish to consider is whether or not you want to moderate all posts and replies (this is in Group Settings and Advanced Options).  The default is that moderation is switched off.
  3. Give the pupils the group code – they can then join the group at home, in the library or when they have Computing Science.

Feedback Sheet

This is based on Exit Tickets with a couple of amendments. The idea is (every so often) to check student understanding of the Learning Outcome by assessing their response to a suitable question. In addition the student assesses whether they think that they have understood the learning outcome (It can be interesting and useful to see which students have clearly understood the learning outcome by their response, yet are unsure whether they have or not in the self assessment exercise. On the other hand there will be students who are confident that they have understood the learning outcome, yet this is not bourn out by their answer to the question).
I also included a section to gauge how many students were aware as to what the learning outcome was and another where they could evaluate how clearly the lesson was explained (Pressure situation!)
Obviously this could be amended according to individual preferences/requirements. Peter
Feedback Sheet.doc